Most people who have websites know that “content is king.” We strive to add content to our website so that search engines, like Google, will come back and index our pages. In the midst of trying to achieve this task, we can cross a great divide. “What is that?” you ask.

When two domains have the same exact content, Google sees this as duplicate content. This means plagiarism to search engines. As a result, Google will lessen the ranking of one or both sites and possibly kick them out of their search engine!

So, what is the solution?

1. Don’t copy text from any site, including your own website!

2. You might want to consider occasionally using  “do not come” robot.txt file to tell spiderbots not to index the page.

3. Write copy that is original. (Isn’t that a clever new approach? :))

Make sure when creating a page you use these essentials on the web page to help with search engine optimization:

**Good Keywords
**Meta Tags
**Good, Relevant Content

Content is King! But everything does have guidelines and rules. And this is no exception! Don’t you want your website to be a site of authority and value?

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